The published article.

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia in children. Belyaev, EA, Brevdo YF, Trukhachev SV pediatric surgeons Russian Symposium "Surgery of the esophagus in children." 18 Russian (51, I-Union) Student Scientific Conference "Actual problems of surgery, anesthesiology and pediatric critical care medicine", ed. Prof. A. Piskalova. - Omsk, 2011.-194 pp.

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia in children. Belyaev, EA 57th Student Scientific Conference dedicated to 75th anniversary of the Tver State Medical Academy (April 21, 2011)

Medical Management of the "little bud" in children G.N.Rumyantseva, VN Kartashov, A. L.Avrasin, A. Medvedev, E. A.Belyaev

Surgical tactics in children with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. X Russian conference Rumyantsev, GN Brevdo YF, Portenko G. Belyaev, EA, DG Galakhova "Innovative technologies in pediatrics and pediatric surgery" - published in the materials of the Congress (18-20 October 2011)

Therapeutic and diagnostic tactics in the "little bud" in children. G.N.Rumyantseva, VN Kartashov, AL Avrasin, AA Medvedev, E. Belyaev, "Innovative Technologies in pediatrics and pediatric surgery" - published in the materials of the Congress (18-20 October 2011) Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
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